Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Argument Analysis of the Issue of Euthanasia Essay

1.If a right creates a net benefit to society and is not morally incorrect, then it should be made legal. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 2.Voluntary euthanasia refers to a doctor’s right to kill a terminally ill patient to his/her request. (IM; Oracle: definition from 3.If voluntary euthanasia is not a moral transgression and euthanasia creates a net benefit on society, then present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (LI from 1,2) 4.It is considered a moral duty to kill a pet that is suffering due to incurable illness. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 5.If it is a moral duty to relieve a suffering pet with incurable illness from its’ suffering by killing it, performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill cannot be a moral transgression. (IM; Oracle: tacit knowledge) 6.Performing euthanasia on willing humans that are terminally ill is not a moral transgression. (LI from 4,5) 7.Terminally ill patients use scarce medical resources. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 8.Euthanasia would increase the number of terminally ill patients that would willingly die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 9.Patients stop using medical resources once they die. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 10.Euthanasia would create an increase in scarce medical resources not used by terminally ill patients. (LI from 7,8,9) 11.Other patients will use the scarce medical resources that are not being used by terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Tacit Knowledge) 12.Euthanasia would thus create an increase in scarce medical resources that will be used by patients that are not terminally ill. (LI from 10,11) 13.Patients that are not terminally ill benefit from medical resources more than terminally ill patients. (IM; Oracle: Common Knowledge) 14.Scarce resources cause the largest benefit to society when used by those people that can benefit most from them. (IM; Oracle: Mankiw, Principles of Microeconomics) 15.Euthanasia would create a net benefit to society because of its allocation of scarce medical resources. (LI from 12,13,14) 16.Present legal prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. (UC and LI from 3,6,15) Argument Evaluation of Original Argument â€Å"Euthanasia is sure to become an issue of increasing importance as our population ages and the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents or infectious disease. Too often the debate is clouded by emotion and irrational thought. However, turning one’s attention to the following points may serve to clarify the situation.† The first few sentences in the speaker’s argument serve as an introduction to the topic. The first to statements establish the importance of the issue. While these two sentences are no directly part of the argument, the speaker has already made an error. The speaker states that â€Å"the leading  causes of death become long term debilitating illness rather than accidents  or infectious disease,† however the leading cause of death is already a long term debilitating illness (namely cardiovascular disease). This of course suggests that the speaker has unreliable information and will make his/her argument less trustworthy. The remaining to sentences serve to exclude any irrational topics from being introduced into the argument criticism. This is a very wise move strategically since it is indeed true that many times this subject is clouded by speak of God and prejudice against elderly. While the speaker attempts to avoid discussing such issues, he/she does mention morality. â€Å"We consider it a duty, not a moral transgression, to end the life of a suffering pet. Why do we balk at providing the same service to willing humans?† The speaker tries to establish that moral transgression is not in question so that it is not brought up in an argument criticism. A pet cannot request euthanasia. A pet’s owner will have the pet killed if the pet has an incurable illness which will cause unbearable suffering. Humans on the other hand can request euthanasia. If they cannot request euthanasia their surrogate can. Thus we must speak of voluntary euthanasia when concerning humans. The speaker is making a link between the morality of performing euthanasia on pets and the morality of performing euthanasia on humans. This link, represented in statement 3, is an opinion about what is moral and thus cannot be verified with a strong source. Nonetheless, it is a valid stance on morality and the speaker chose to use this link in his/her argument â€Å"Is it not crueler to condemn these individuals to weeks, perhaps even months, of suffering? I did not include this statement in my argument reconstruction since I believe it is very weak and is a point that will be criticized greatly. No patient is being condemned to suffering. I will return to this subject in my own argument Besides, it is a greater injustice to squander precious medical resources on  the terminally ill when so many others, particularly infants, could benefit from them instead; and frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia. This argument is actually quite weak. Rarely are medical treatments rival. One person’s use of a treatment usually does not affect the use of others. In the case where the medical resources are indeed rival, (eg. organs etc) the speaker himself/herself says that frequently the younger patients or those that will benefit most from the treatment are given the scarce medical resources. The argument about scarce medical resources can be used, however the speaker should not mention: â€Å"frequently this is the only alternative to euthanasia.† When these points are considered, it becomes clear that the present legal prohibitions against euthanasia ought to be lifted. This statement is the speaker’s ultimate conclusion. It is not necessary to reestablish the validity of the argument with the statement â€Å"it becomes clear that.† Furthermore, the preposition â€Å"when these points are considered† should be excluded from the sentence as it allows us to suspect that there are other points that should be considered. In terms of strategic excellence, the argument should only contain information relevant to the inquirer’s inquiry. No information that does not aid in reaching the ultimate conclusion should be present unless absolutely necessary. Lastly, there are many kinds of euthanasia. The speaker must specify that he/she is considering one specific meaning. Voluntary euthanasia refers to the killing of a patient that gives consent to be killed. There are problems with determining what is really voluntary. We must assume that the patient is capable of requesting euthanasia. Otherwise, the patient’s surrogate must request euthanasia. The doctor cannot decide alone that a patient should be killed. Many times however (according to statistics from Holland where euthanasia is currently legal) a doctor may take his/her own initiative and then lie about the cause of the patient’s death, attributing death to natural causes. For the purposes of argument, let us assume that voluntary euthanasia will be practiced correctly and assess whether the prohibitions against voluntary euthanasia ought to be lifted. General Evaluation: As is evident from my argument reconstruction, the inquirer’s written argument lacks many links. Most importantly the inquirer fails to establish that his/her conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims (actually three, but I excluded the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering for informative correctness purposes). It is extremely important to establish what statements the conclusion is based on. Another major error is the use of wrong information. While the wrong information is not necessary for the establishment of the inquirer’s conclusion, the inquirer still suggests unreliability with his first two introductory statements. Furthermore, the inquirer included the claim that patients are being condemned to suffering. I excluded this statement completely as it is incorrect. I will discuss this subject in my own argument. Lastly, the argument is not set up in an organized manner. The lines of thought are not linear. Rather, the inquirer proceeds in multiple directions failing to relate his conclusion to each point put forth. The inquirer states that his conclusion is clear even though he/she actual failed to show the relation between the left side moves and the conclusion by not establishing that the conclusion is based on a conjunction of two different claims. The inquirer is usually definitorily correct. Occasionally, he/she makes errors. For example, the inquirer fails to define what is meant by euthanasia. It is a simple matter of vocabulary, yet the intended definition of the word can change the argument in many ways. There are many criticisms of euthanasia related to involuntary euthanasia. The inquirer should avoid these by specifying he/she is considering only voluntary euthanasia. The inquirer portrays some wise strategic moves in his/her first few statements. The inquirer first establishes the importance of the subject by implying that as the population mortality age increases more and more patients will be considering euthanasia. While this was a wise strategic move, I did not include it as it was not necessary to establish the conclusions validity. This statement simply served as an introduction to a written argument. The inquirer also attempts to avoid any criticism related  to irrational concepts (such as God) by stating that these ideas simply cloud the subject. This was also a wise strategic move. As discussed previously, the manner in which the ultimate conclusion is stated is quite weak. It is unnecessary to draw attention to the possibility of other points being relevant to the subject. In fact, this provokes the reader to search for other subjects that have not been considered and will contradict the inquirer’s conclusion. He/she also uses a danger signal in the ultimate conclusion. The inquirer says â€Å"it should be clear that,† however the inquirer never establishes the relation between the mentioned points and the ultimate conclusion. This phrase suggests that the inquirer may actually draw no connection at all. Lastly, the argument is valid. Rectifying some mistakes and adding some moves that were assumed obvious the table now does close and there are no other open paths. Thus the argument is complete and the conclusion true, assuming all IM’s and LI’s are truth preserving. My Argument A right that is not necessary (has no use) and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us should not be legalized. As can be seen from statistics from countries that have made voluntary euthanasia legal, there are many complications related to the right not being implemented efficiently. Many doctors may take advantage of the right, many euthanasia’s are performed on people who did not even request euthanasia with reasons such as â€Å"It was too much of a burden for the family† or â€Å"the patients illness was terminal.† Evidently, it is not so clear what â€Å"voluntary† or â€Å"terminal† mean, and depending on the doctor’s judgment the same patient may be treated differently. Furthermore, doctors can suggest euthanasia to patients that have not even considered it. The psychological stress on a suffering patient is so great that they may be easily influenced by doctors or family members to request the procedure. Laws against  euthanasia are in place to prevent abuse and to protect people from unscrupulous doctors and others. Secondly, there is no use to the right. Prohibitions against euthanasia are not intended to make patients suffer. No one is being condemned to suffering. If a patient is capable of requesting euthanasia they are also capable of committing suicide. People do have the power to commit suicide. If the patient does not have the means to commit suicide, a prescription of lethal drugs may be given to the patients but this is no longer considered euthanasia, but rather assisted suicide (which I am in favor of even though for moral reasons I personally disagree with suicide). Euthanasia refers to the killing of the patient directly by the doctor (either by lethal injection or by removal from necessary medical treatment). The need for assisted suicide is a completely different subject and should not be introduced into an argument about euthanasia. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then a court of law will allocate a surrogate to that patient which can make decisions for th e patient. If the patient is not capable of requesting euthanasia then the patient may not be able to commit suicide without assistance. But if the patient is in such a condition, they must be in vital need of medical treatment (either machines or drugs). A lot of people think that euthanasia is needed so patients won’t be forced to remain alive by being â€Å"hooked up† to machines. But the law already permits patients or their surrogates to withhold or withdraw unwanted medical treatment even if that increases the likelihood that the patient will die. Thus, no one needs to be hooked up to machines against their will. Neither the law nor medical ethics requires that â€Å"everything be done† to keep a person alive. Insistence, against the patient’s wishes, that death be postponed by every means available is contrary to law and practice and is also cruel and inhumane. Thus even a patient that cannot commit suicide can kill himself/herself by removal from treatment. Euthanasia is not necessary and can lead to tremendous abuse, exploitation and erosion of care for the most vulnerable people among us. Prohibitions against euthanasia should not be lifted. (Assisted suicide is when someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life. When a doctor helps another person to kill themselves it is called â€Å"physician assisted suicide.† In my opinion, physician assisted suicide should be allowed as long as it is merely assistance and is practiced lawfully. Measures should be taken to ensure it is practiced lawfully. Each doctor should be forced to send in a consent form to some organization first. The consent form should contain the patient’s or the surrogate’s signature (if the patient is incapable of signing or requesting). In this way there will be less abuse of the right.)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

When Celebrity Endorsement Succeeds

WHEN CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENT SUCCEEDS! Celebrity endorsement is defined as a form of brand or advertising campaign that involves a well known person using their fame to help promote a product or service. The basic principle is quiet simple, people like celebrities, so if a celebrity likes a product people will like it. According to industry sources, 20% of all television commercials features a famous person.I believe that celebrity endorsement is a good way for a company to promote its product through its consumers, celebrities appear in roughly one-fifth of ads, according to market researchers, and a single company like Nike might spend around half a billion dollars a year on endorsements . Celebrities greatly influence our consumer decisions in making purchases on certain products or brands. Advertisers have always found unique ways of getting the consumers attention, and elevating the status of a particular product.The Nike empire has many famous athletes sponsoring their product, s uch as Lebron James, Troy Polamalu, and Tiger woods. These athletes are just some of hundreds that Nike has sponsored over the years. From their endorsements, consumers are constantly seeing the best sports players in the world using Nike equipment, shoes, or other Nike brand products. This in turn gives one the sense of Nike being the best, since the best professionals are using it. Thus making the consumer want to buy Nike's products.Another great example is, Gillette's Mach Fusion advertisement featuring Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, and Thierry Henry, combined all three of the best golf, tennis, and soccer players in its razor commercial. â€Å"A sign of a celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services. † – Daniel J Boorstin Also, in my own point of view, I don’t think a bad celebrity endorsement that backfires can affect the consumer buying behaviour. According to Katyal. S (2011), Sainsbury’s encountered a problem with Catherine Zeta Jones, whom the company used for its recipe advertisements, when she was caught shopping in Tesco.A similar case happened with Britney Spears who endorsed one cola brand and was repeatedly caught drinking another brand of cola on tape. I totally disagree with this claim, why will people not want to buy a recipe from Sainsbury because Catherina Zeta Jones was caught using a different product, are they trying to say she should only use the product she advertises on TV? And concerning Britney spears, is she only suppose to devote her life to coca cola brands only? Assuming she was thirsty for sprite of fanta, she should not drink it in public because she advertised for coca cola brand only.People don’t really understand what consumer endorsement means, if a certain celebrity is used for a product, it means that product is good enough for everybody that's if you like the person being used. Example, the Nike snicker being advertised by Lebron James, he is used because of his popu larity and his athletic background which is a successful one. They mean, if a person like Lebron can use their product, u can use it too. And it's telling its customers that Lebron has approved the product top be a good one which is why he signed the endorsement contract.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Metaanalysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Metaanalysis - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that  Meta-analysis is the quantitative section of a systematic review. It is the end result of combining the statistical results of multiple studies in order to get a weighted average effect of the intervention under consideration. The studies that provide more information will give more weight, the larger the sample size the more weight it will provide. Usually, the average effect across trials is reported as an overall summary point estimate and an estimate of its precision as reflected in the width of the confidence interval.  As the essay highlights  a well-conducted systematic review and Meta-analysis can help us keep up-to-date. High-quality systematic review can define the boundaries of what is known and what is not known and helps us not to omit what has already been proven. Medical practitioners are therefore aided in determining solutions for specific clinical hurdles through analysis of inconsistencies among diverse pieces of research evidence. This is done by summarizing existing data, refining hypotheses, estimating sample size and providing a definition for future research agendas. Without them, researchers risk missing and therefore omitting promising leads in their quest for problem solution or they may incur redundancy through embarking on studies of questions that have been already answered.  Meta-analysis utilizes the quantitative combination of outcomes from several undertaken studies to create more precise, powerful and convincing conclusions.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mangement - Essay Example He maintains that it is more important for a leader to be competent than intelligent. Due to the popularity of his competency movement, multinational companies started formulating complex competency models which laid down the framework regarding desirable behaviour and skills in the organization. People who adhered to these competency models would be rewarded and vice – versa. However, this model left very little room for the development of the leader. A leader was unable to show his motivational skills, leadership styles and even prove his point of view. Traditional competency models focussed on developing individual behaviour and skills and in overcoming individual weaknesses. They believed that this will lead to overall team development. However, they failed to understand that in a team environment individuals benefit from each other’s strengths and it is very important for overall team development and not to focus on individual development. The third and final assum ption of competency model is that jobs are static and individuals benefit by following a set of competency rules laid down by the organization. This thought in itself is flawed. People are hungry for recognition and they are happy to display their skills and qualities. In the modern world, leaders must have the below mentioned competency skills in order to be efficient and successful. 1. Visionary and strategic thinking – Leaders must be able to set long term goals and act as a guide and mentor to the followers by leading and directing them to achieve these goals. he must be able to understand the environmental changes both nationally and globally and guide his followers accordingly. 2. Adaptability and change movement – Leaders must be able to adapt to changes in the organization. An effective leader easily adapts to changes required to attain the goal.He also must be able to blend different leadership styles depending on the situation in order to guide his followers through the change process. 3. Drive for results – Leaders must take the ownership and be personally responsible for success and failures. He must be passionate to achieve goals and must encourage his followers to do the same. 4. Team leadership competency – An efficient leader should act as a guide and mentor and direct the team in order to attain desired objectives. He should be keen to take responsibilities to meet targets and also take active part in the organization’s success. 5. People development – Efficient leaders must promote follower’s growth and provide a platform for them to succeed. This will help to develop future leaders and will eventually lead to the success of the organization as a whole. 6. Risk management – Competent leaders must be innovative and be prepared to take risks and experiment with new methods in order to foster development. They must use new and innovative techniques to solve problems and also adapt to change s. 7. Values and ethics – Good leaders must follow social norms and ethics and set examples for the followers. They must not resort to dishonest means or engage themselves in illegal or unlawful activities. Nowadays, most organizations are giving a lot of importance to ethical behaviours of leaders as recently there has an increase in scams and scandals which translates to the fact that there has been a lot of ethically failed leaders. 8. Service orientation – An effective and competent leader understand the needs of his clients and tries to meet client expectations. He

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Samurai Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Samurai - Research Paper Example rs by the Samurai class has increased to the extent of Emperor’s courtiers playing no role and remaining idle while Samurais were fighting battles on the horse backs with bows and arrows as well as newly crafted curved swords ( The samurai warriors’ downfall came with modernization of Japan. In most of the cases, a country’s modernization is welcomed by its people and the government but that was not true in the case of Japan. Military class ruled Japan with extended responsibilities to serve the people and social affairs. This class was called ‘Samurai’ who not only defended the boundaries but were active in the social and cultural settings, and were distinct by being given a status of elite class by the rulers but they were not able to keep their hold on the nation and society for too long. With the downfall of Tokugawa shogunate, the rulers since 1600s to mid of 1800s, the coming back to power of the king in 1868, the newly established Meiji bureaucrats wanted reformation of the country to its earlier status. This reformation brought to the end the samurai class of warriors by late 1870’s; the downfall was not totally due to progress on the technology front but reform in all walks of life such as social, political, and cultural (Moscardi, 2007). The Meiji rulers wanted to restore the old glory of Japan, which came under aggression due to treaties made with the U.S. by the Tokugawa bakufu rulers, which put foreigners in an advantageous position by not charging taxes on imports and granting them immunity to Japanese law. The Emperor Meiji wanted to bring Japan on the same platform were the whole of West was standing. The aim of reformation was â€Å"having an economics system of industrial capitalism and a political system of liberal or quasi-liberal constitutionalism as in the U.S. and other European countries (Mason 257)).† With the opening of Japanese ports to others and ending seclusion in the mid 1800’s,

Relevance of exchange rates in monetary policy making Essay

Relevance of exchange rates in monetary policy making - Essay Example These actions may include increasing bank interest rates or decreasing the supply of money in the economy. The chief aims of such monetary policy are currency stability or price stability, achieving full employment and economic prosperity of a nation (Zettelmeyer & Zettelmeyer, 2003). Monetary policy rests on the correlation between interest rates of an economy and the total supply of money in the economy. It is natural that governments play a primary role in economic growth and stability through monetary policy especially in small rich economies. By creating monetary policies, central banks can influence the intensity of the supply of money on credit in the economy and, therefore, minimize extreme price fluctuations and improve economic growth. This control is made easier through clear knowledge of the monetary exchange rate that a country chooses to adopt (Jung, Choi & Jung, 2003). Relevance of exchange rates in monetary policy making Concisely, exchange rate refers to the rate at which one country’s money can be changed for another, that is, the price of one country’s currency in another country’s currency. Exchange rate is used when converting one currency to another or for engaging in foreign exchange market. The factors that influence exchange rates include political stability, inflation and interest rates. Nevertheless, exchange rate can, by itself, influence certain factors such as inflation and policy formulation and implementation (Ireland, 2008). For small economies and certain medium ones that are still very open to capital flows and trade, any changes in the value of exchange rate have a vital influence on the real economy or inflation. For successful pursuit of macro-economic stability and achievement of sustainable growth, prudent choices of exchange rate regime and appropriate policies are imperative (Ireland, 2008). The exchange rate and price stability of a nation's monetary value define its economy. Iceland, for example, although is a small country, has enjoyed a long period of stability of economic prosperity with unemployment falling to near zero level. Iceland is an ideal and extreme example of a small open economy. Iceland has a population of 300,000 with a GDP of 8.5 billion USD. Like other economies, Iceland also faces trade and economic problems such as market fluctuations and terms of trade that makes it vulnerable. However, Iceland is endowed with a huge chunk of natural resources with a highly educated labor force and well established economic policies. The paramount indicator of stern overheating of an economy is inflation and Iceland picked it (Breedon, Petursson, & Rose, 2011). However, the key to controlling inflation is good management of the exchange rate and its coordination with fiscal policy (Jung, Choi & Jung, 2003). Several available models of exchange-rate determination entail an unambiguous effect of monetary policy. According to Argy, Grauwe and Polak (1990), this is explaine d in terms of money aggregates on the exchange rate where any increased rate of monetary growth in one country, against the surroundings of a stable claim for money tends to decline the nominal exchange rate. Most theoretical models predict that, in the end, an increase in one country’s money growth wholly reflects in the price level with the relative increment in the latter counteracted by depreciation of the exchange rate. When implementing a monetary policy care must be taken to ensure that the taxpayers do not lose much of their money (Zettelmeyer & Zettelmeyer, 2003). In the long run, countries with moderately rapid money expansion will lean towards having high nominal interest rates, as well as high inflation. However, in short

Friday, July 26, 2019

Job and his suffering Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Job and his suffering - Research Paper Example Subsequently, the paper will highlight how Job symbolizes the theme of suffering. The bible covers the topic of suffering realistically. To illustrate this theme, the bible uses the character of Job (Carney 66). The book of Job commences with a story about Job, a devout righteous man who is faced and looking at imminent tragedy. Job is about to experience a massive loss (he risks losing all his property, wealth, health, and above all his children. Additionally, his good name will also be lost. Job will suffer from all this tragedies simply because god is about to test his (Job) faith and obedience. Thus, Job primarily suffered because God challenged or contested with the Devil/ Satan. However, neither Job nor his friends knew of this ploy. As such, Job’s friends take their time to try and explain his suffering from their ignorant perspectives. Nevertheless, Job does not sway but rests his faith with God and hopes for his redemption. Both Job and his friends could not comprehend the reasons for Job’s suffering or ill afflictions in the beginning. In fact Job’s response when he was confronted by God was silence. The silent response given by Job does not in any way lessen or trivialize the intense suffering, pain and emotional turmoil he is undergoing throught. Rather, the silent response signifies the importance of believing and trusting in god’s redemption whilst suffering. Moreover, the silent response underscores the need to believe and trust god’s purposes even if we don’t comprehend or grasp what those purposes are. Consequently, this implies that like all other human experiences, suffering is directed and controlled by God. Overall, Job implies that although people might never understand or know the reason for their suffering, they should nonetheless trust and believe in God. The bible thus gives this as an answer to the theme or concept of suffering. The book of Job attempts to answer the question

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Autobiographical Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Autobiographical Writing - Essay Example They do most of the housework and men rarely do any housework, but some of the men cook for their family. At a very young age adults told me that, â€Å"girls should be quiet and well-behaved†, â€Å"boys should be strong and they should not cry†, â€Å"girls should talk softly and behave gently†, â€Å"boys should protect girls and they should support of their family when they grow up†, â€Å"girls should keep their space clean and tidy†, â€Å"boys should take responsibilities of all things† and so on. Usually, in one relationship, men and women make decisions together if they are respect each other. Sometimes they make their own decisions without consulting their partner if the issue is not very big. However, in severe situation, men always have the decision-making authority in their family. For example, when I decided to study abroad, I knew my mother would support me, but the final decision was in the hands of my father. I believe that in a relationship my girlfriend should listen to me when we have to make a choice or decide an important i ssue. However, things were not practiced the same way in the past. At the time, when my grandparents were young, wives had to be obedient to their husbands. People thought men were superior to women. Families prefer sons to daughters, and they thought if a woman could not give birth to a boy, it was all her fault. When I was very young, I asked my parents how I was born but they never responded to this query. Chinese people are more conservative than Americans and Europeans. Some people think it is disrespectful and wrong to talk about sex and women’s bodies. So I think feminist movement is very necessary and important throughout human history and it should be continued now and in the future. As the reading â€Å"The Body Through Women’s Eyes† by Joanna Frueh says, feminist artists can â€Å"show that women could become makers of meaning, as opposed to being bearers of man’s meaning† (Broude 190). It also

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Development of a Strategy for the College of Business Administration Research Paper

Development of a Strategy for the College of Business Administration - Research Paper Example The paper tells that the authorities of the Arizona State University (ASU) led by its President have declared that their primary objective is to establish the institution as the ideal representative of an American University belonging to the modern era. The institution conducts majority of its educational endeavors to accomplish the three main objectives, which has been enumerated in the University’s Plan documents. ASU’s main objective is to provide higher education to the maximum number of US students that it can accommodate. The University makes its students undergo a standardized curriculum in their respective subjects and also encourages them to pursue research on their own. Finally, the institution ensures that all its academic endeavors are conducted in a way so as to improve the economic, social and cultural welfare of the surrounding social community. These have been identified as the vision of the ASU. The vision statements of the University reflect the inhere nt objectives of the institution. The statements can be further analyzed to provide some useful insight into the ASU authorities’ long-term goals. Most of the elite higher educational institutions have always set very high standards for the students aspiring to secure admission in them. However, the objectives of the ASU have been stated to be quite different in this respect. Instead of aiming to exclude the undeserving students, the University always looks to include the maximum number of students under its educational programs. ... The University makes its students undergo a standardized curriculum in their respective subjects and also encourages them to pursue research on their own. Finally, the institution ensures that all its academic endeavors are conducted in a way so as to improve the economic, social and cultural welfare of the surrounding social community. These have been identified as the vision of the ASU (ASU Vision and Goals, 2011). The vision statements of the University reflect the inherent objectives of the institution. The statements can be further analyzed to provide some useful insight into the ASU authorities’ long-term goals. Most of the elite higher educational institutions have always set very high standards for the students aspiring to secure admission in them. However, the objectives of the ASU have been stated to be quite different in this respect. Instead of aiming to exclude the undeserving students, the University always looks to include the maximum number of students under it s educational programs. Simultaneously, ASU has also concentrated in providing these students with a high standard of higher education. Therefore, the institution has been successful in achieving the twin objectives of making higher education accessible to a larger population of students, as well as securing a good reputation regarding the standard of education offered (ASU Vision and Goals, 2011). The ASU has also declared certain additional aims and objectives which it plans to implement by the year 2012. One such objective is to become a ‘National Comprehensive University’ by the specified timeline. The institution has set its sights in becoming the leading educational center for various scientific disciplines which also

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HTC Human Resource Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HTC Human Resource Analysis - Research Paper Example The traditional HRM functions and technical HRM functions, as accumulated in the ideology of SHRM, covers a wide range of activities which includes recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, training and development as well as management of remuneration and employee advantages. By balancing HRM activities with organisational business strategies, SHRM can effectually reproduce flexible planning and use human resources in order to accomplish the organisational objectives, and accordingly assist organisations to gain a sustainable competitive edge (Wei, 2006). With due concern to these aspects, the paper will discuss the strategic framework of HTC Corporation using the theory of SHRM and also seek to identify the HR issues faced by the organisation. Hereby, the objective of the paper is to analyse the HRM practices in HTC and accordingly make recommendations towards its improvements. Strategic Framework of HTC HTC Corporation principally deals in manufacturing electronic products s uch as laptops, mobile phones, smartphones and other handheld devices. The business functions executed by HTC are spread internationally. It is worth mentioning that the company has been learnt to experience a significant growth rate in its international as well as national operations owing to its effective approach towards HRM and comprehensive differentiation strategies (Scribd Inc., 2012). Strategies in any organisation are concerned towards the long term planning which are further divided into five aspects, i.e. organisational mission and objectives, environmental examinations, strategic formulations, strategic implementations and strategic assessments. The mission outlines the organisational values and ambitions. The mission and objectives designates the way of strategic management within an organisation (Erdil & Gunsel, n.d.). In this context, in HTC, the objective and mission of the organisation has been identified to emerge as one of the top smartphone organisations in the w orld. Therefore, it is quite likely that the human resource strategies adopted by HTC replicate its organisational objectives and mission. The examination of environment assists in identifying the organisational strengths as well as weaknesses along with prevailing external organisational prospects and threats. These aspects are significant for the future sustainability of any business. Contextually, the industry where HTC operates its business is dynamic in nature which incorporates the characteristics of mobile phone sector with personal computer sector making a complete utilisation of the benefits of high-end technology. Moreover, the value chain of HTC contains operating system, brand, and telecommunication providers along with the dynamic resources and capabilities (Chiou, 2010). The strategic formulations in any organisation includes the senior executives liable for assessing the interface between strategic issues and making strategic selections which intends to direct employe es to satisfy the organisational goals. It is in this regard that the strategies of HTC are always

Monday, July 22, 2019

Differences and Similarities turning into One person despite of being Two Essay Example for Free

Differences and Similarities turning into One person despite of being Two Essay Question: Phillotson says that Sue and Jude `seem to be one person split in two.What does he mean by this? Phillotson’s statement that Sue and Jude seems to be one person split in two was because of the cousins’ life. Their huge similarity with each other especially when it comes to their goals was more like of just one person’s goal. Their single identity and the same belief drove them into being with each other thus they are more associated with their characters and identity. From the first part of the story, we must understand and realize at the same time that Jude was a little kid and his cousin Sue was of the same age also or younger of a few years. His dream of going into college however was his ultimate goal in life which was suddenly trapped when Arabella, his girlfriend said that she was pregnant. Believing that he must do the right thing despite of Arabella being a not ideal wife, he married her. Afterwards, he asked her regarding the pregnancy and she said that she mistakenly figured out her situation which made Jude more miserable. Losing his chance of going into the university, he even thought of killing himself and upon waking up one morning, he found out a note from his wife who was out of his sight saying that she will go to Australia with her parents. Jude became happy and when to the place he wanted to go and there he tried to find a job and upon finding a job, he tried to find Sue. When he saw her, he decided and told to himself that he must not fall in love with her because they were cousins but as time goes by, he learned to thus when she decided to leave, he asked her why and arranged her to be a student teacher assisting Phillotson. Later on in the story, Sue and Phillotson got married and Jude was saddened by this fact but maybe they are somehow destined to be with each other. The husband of Sue allowed her to leave thus she moved in Jude’s house and the two lived together as their divorce were all good with their respective partners. Jude later on found out from Arabella that they have a son thus she gave it to him and along with Sue and Jude’s two children, they lived together but it was getting hard for them to sustain their life and without an apartment of their own, Jude decided to find lodging house. They soon found one but Jude must leave separately with his family. One night Sue together with Arabella and Jude’s son went out to find an apartment and was saddened by the fact that there was none and the boy was pissed off when he found out that Sue is pregnant again. The morning came and Sue went to Jude and on when they went back home, they found the children hanging in the closet. Although they tried to revive them, it was impossible. In the end, the two decided to go back to their respective partners and thinking that they were cursed, they separated ways. Jude died in the end. In the circumstances which happened in the account of the lives of both Sue and Jude, we have to understand that they were really the same except that Sue was a girl and Jude was a boy. Despite of their differences, what happened in their life brings them so much closer to each other despite of the fact that they once lived together. The tragedy they experienced only shows that they were indeed person of neither bad nor good fate thus we have to take it into account that probably the circumstances and the instances they both have in common were just coincidences but it is also in high regard that these circumstances happened when they were still together. As a child, these cousins were both fond of studying and as they grow up, both tried their best to enter in a university. Both of them were not happy with their marriage thus they somehow committed adultery but they did not stop simply from being the same in those terms. A month after the divorce of Arabella and Jude was granted, Phillotson and Sue’s divorce followed. At the end of the story, both were taken back by their divorced half thus they were reunited and got married again. Upon knowing the summary, one can determine that even in the start, the two have qualities which are highly similar with one another. Although their attitude was not compared nor contrasted, their goals and their life experiences seem to be the same. Their fate which brought them together perhaps was a big reason why Phillotson was able to say those words. It is undeniable that they were of the same fate that even in the end of the story, both of them suffered the same way thus they thought they were being punished because of their relationship. Their life experiences which brought them together was the same thing which make people understand that they were indeed a single person split into one by circumstances and experiences. Works Cited Hardy, Thomas. Jude the Obscure. 1895

The Pianist Essay Example for Free

The Pianist Essay The film The Pianist is about a man, Szpilman, living in Poland during the war. It tells his story as one of the themes in the film is clearly the holocaust. The film presents the horrors of the holocaust in the experience of one man, Wladysaw Szpilman as he hides from the Nazis. The film makes an honest approach to the condition of holocaust. It presents the shades of humanity in between the good and the bad. It shows how the war gave people a chance to triumph over the holocaust and their humanity while others to succumb to it and humanity. Circumstances force people to do strange things. The war genre requires a lot of sensitivity to enable the audience to put themselves in the shoes of a character as he interacts with his environment. The point of view is quite important to achieve this. In my analysis I intend to find out if the point of view of Szpilman helps the movie achieve the desired outcome. The film begins with music as Szpilman plays a piano for Polish radio. Even though the scene is interrupted by a bomb, Szpilman remains momentarily caught up in his music. His devotion to music becomes the strength he needs to survive because despite the horrific circumstances, he does not give up playing for the radio again. As he tells the SS officer who helps him, he wants to play for the polish radio. By virtue of his dreams, he believes the war will end even when an SS officer asked him what he wanted to do after the war. Music and all art thus come out in the film as worthy weapons against the struggle. In terms of leading actor the film has Adrien Brody play Szpilman. The actor as the film opens is caught up in fulfilling his dreams of music. He seems a little preoccupied and absorbed. He is a regular guy. The lead actor gives the film its perspective. We see the war through his eyes and his experiences. In the span of the film, contrary to what one would expect from a war film, he remains more alone and does not rise to become an astonishing person who saves the day and lots of human life. Instead his main achievement is that he manages to remain concealed and survives the invasion of the Nazis. The lead actor is not a conventional hero. He is mostly passive trying to understand what is going on in the world around him. As we accompany him in the movie, we get locked up with him in hiding places and watch him ravaged by the war as he loses weight, confused and fall to pieces. Adrien performs his role by being totally immersed in his character. How he moves and talks and acts reveals the transformation he is undergoing including losing weight as his character gets starved and severe malnutrition. He is striking in that he represents the humanity of many and the story of survival is the survival of humanity against ravages of war. The leading actor is not about being a super good character but embodiment of bare human circumstance and the amazing journey of survival during terrible circumstances. The film does not give in to the cultural assumptions that all the Jews were good people and all the Germans bad people. The leading actor as well as other suffering victims are not all of humanity. They too are problematic and are not represented as saints. The suffering they underwent is horrific by virtue of being human despite what kind of people they are. The film represents in addition the reality that some Nazis had humanity too. An SS officer took care of Szpilman for the last stretch of his survival. The mise-en-scene of the film displays great aspects of setting, costumes and make-up and staging. Portions of the film are set and shot in Germany using the old building and barracks that were actually used during the war. Much of the film was filmed in Praga district while some was filmed in Germany’s Babelsberg film studios. Here a recreation of the ghetto was made. The ruins of the ghetto were also filmed inside an army base in the former Soviet. That effectively creates a real feeling to the film. The set creates a backdrop to the life of the prisoners. The costumes clearly identify the time period of changes that were occurring as people lost more and more. In addition the costumes and make-up help set the stage for action character. The point of view used in the film is that of Szpilman the leading actor. While the story begins there are many characters but quickly the point of view of the leading actor takes over. After his escape, Szpilman eyes become what we see the world through. The film unrolls with scenes of Szpilman interacting with his confined world. We see him trying to keep from the Nazis and basically try to survive. In the meantime, the world inside his head comes on and off as he hears music in his head. The director , Roman Polanski, gives a true and brilliant film by being true to the autobiography story of the real life Szphilman. He brings to the film his own past. In his childhood, Roman Polanksi underwent a similar situation. During the war, he escaped Krakow Ghetto. This was after his mother died. He hid for the duration of the war in a Polish farmer’s barn. He survived the war along with his father. He therefore draws from his personal experience as well as his experience with other film that have similar themes. In addition Polanski has had experience with films that deal with confinement and its disturbing effects on people. This is in his movies The Tenant, Repulsion and Bitter Moon. Long shots characterize the movie. In several scenes Szphilman looks at the outside world as we look at him. Through the shots the audience gets to see him processing the world. He stares at people being hunted down and killed. He gets little glimpses of the world and his numbness easily comes out through the long shots. Aspects of technical elements in the film are used to highlight the themes. Low lighting and shadows create a feeling of limited vision. When Szpilman is in hiding, we see him covered in darkness. The indignity of living in subhuman condition underscore the humiliation many holocaust victims were exposed to. As he moves from hiding place and scavenges for food the flooding of light highlight how deserted he is. It is all bright and empty around him and no matter which way he looks he is met with emptiness. Dialogue in the film especially as Szpilman interacts with others show the effect of the long suffering on the victims. Forced to be quiet for long periods of time and unable to fully understand what is happening, dialogue is kept at minimal and no revealing. The characters can not express the depth of their experiences and they preserve themselves though direct dialogue. The sound in the film is kept at bare and music at minimal. There are no swelling scores allowing for the audience to stay with their bare emotions. The piano even when ‘silent’ is a beautiful addition to the film. When Szpilman comes across a piano in his hiding place he finds he can not play lest he will be discovered. However, he moves him fingers over the keys and the audience hears the music he is playing in his mind. The nostalgia and hope that Szpilman harbors comes through. The audience glimpses the source of strength for Szpilman’s survival. In comparing this film to others in the same genre some differences can be seen. One of the differences with another movie in the genre, Schindler’s List, is that the pianist is a film that is based on one person. Schindler’s List is broader in dealing with the holocaust in terms of the point of view. The pianist narrows down the holocaust by concentration on one man’s story. From him the audience can understand the holocaust and not the other way round. Schindler’s list has the story of two people; Schindler and Goeth. The cast in The Pianist is also heavily European while Schindler’s List is not. Another difference in that while the hero clearly comes out in Schindler’s List The Pianist does not give to the leading actor the usual hero traits. While Schindler is clearly a hero Szpilman is not a hero by overt means. He is a hero in choosing to survive and simply not giving up despite the difficulties. In addition, The Pianist does not draw clear lines between the good and the bad or assign blame. While it is clear there are bad people killing and hurting others, the film is largely non judgmental. Having watched the film, I feel that The Pianist is a great film. It lives up to its potential because one is completely caught up in Szpilman’s story and begins to understand the holocaust in that light. While other movies show the great suffering and heroes of the war, this film shows the quiet heroism that might go unnoticed by many, yet it is this sort of heroism that was more rampant than the celebrated one. The film is also capturing in the use of elements. The shooting and the delivery come together and the audience gets lost in the film without getting caught up in the ‘vehicle’ that is the technicalities of the film. The film deeply touched me and made me realize that war is terrible not just in what it physically does to people but also because of the psychological and traumatic effects. One of its effects is that it created a disturbance in me. I did not feel that someone came and rescued the day because for many holocaust victims their day was not saved. The realism of the film was quite refreshing. At the same time the film restores hope in humanity. Despite all the horrific events during the war, there were ample cases of people risking life to protect others. Many people helped Szpilman including the SS officer who was taking a great risk. Just as some people can stoop low beyond belief, so can others rise above expectations. In the end, the human spirit rises up against its adversity and that is the best effect of the film considering its genre. Szpilman’s point of view enables the audience to see the holocaust keenly without getting carried away by too much information or characters. References. Bordwell David and Thomson Kristin, Film Art: An introduction. 8 ed. (New York: McGraw- Hill Higher education, 2006). ‘Schindler’s List’: Internet Movie Data Base. 1990-2010. Web. 16 July 2010. ‘The Pianist’: Internet Movie Data base. 1990-2010. Web. 17 July 2010.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Effectiveness of International Institutions for Human Rights

Effectiveness of International Institutions for Human Rights Hosea Luy How effective are international institutions in protecting human rights? International institutions face many problems in their effort to protect and promote human rights. They are therefore only moderately effective in their protection of human rights. Although these institutions face limitations to their success, their work and achievements have been crucial to the advancement and promotion of human rights world-wide. It is also important to note that â€Å"until 1945, human rights was generally considered to be a matter within the exclusive domestic sovereignty of states† (Cassel, 2001, p. 134). Consequently international human rights institutions are still young and rapidly growing so we cannot fully analyse their effectiveness. This essay will explore the role and effectiveness of international human rights law through the United Nations, nongovernmental organisations namely Amnesty International and the impact of state sovereignty. It is difficult to pin-point evidence that directly supports the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of international institutions. This is because international institutions work in tandem with other mechanisms to protect human rights, and only together are they successful (Cassel, 2001, p. 123). These mechanisms include the human rights consciousness of the public, nongovernmental organisations and domestic human rights institutions all of which influence each other. This essay will focus on the protection of civil and political rights excluding a major category of human rights, economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights. Progress in these areas has been limited when examined in the context of all those in need of food, medicine, housing and other ESC rights. â€Å"International human rights activists see how little impact they have in taking on matters of purely distributive justice† (Roth, 2004, p. 72), and this is combined with the need for a huge amount of material resources to protect and promote ESC rights (Cassel, 2001, p. 124). The United Nations (UN) is the top global institution and is unrivalled in its capability â€Å"to reach out or into virtually every society, and to establish universally applicable norms† (Gaer, 1995, p. 393). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR) is the primary piece of international human rights law and has been signed and ratified by many countries. Any nation state that has signed and ratified the UNDHR is obligated to: â€Å"make laws that protect and promote human rights for all its citizens support non-government organisations that carry out programs to help people who are victims of human rights abuses† (Human Rights: Organisations and Institutions, 2000, para. 12). However there is no legal obligation exists to force signatories to introduce domestic law to follow the standards set by the UNDHR (Steinerte Wallace, 2009, p. 9). This is combined with the sometimes illegitimate excuses of national security and sovereignty that have often been used to â€Å"conceal, excuse or justify human rights abuses† (Human Rights: Organisations and Institutions, 2000, para. 6). International human rights law has quite short history and has since its inception been useful for the protection of human rights (Cassel, 2001, p. 134). It has been most effective through its indirect impacts, setting global standards for nations to follow. This has then influenced action on the domestic level in important areas such as politics, the media and the public consciousness (Cassel, 2001, p. 122). The UN’s direct mechanisms to enforce human rights also have a beneficial impact although this is much more limited (Haynes, Hough, Malik, Pettiford, 2011, p. 452). These mechanisms, such as the Human Rights Committee designated to enforce the standards documented in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, investigate human rights abuses, communicate with governments for emergencies and publicly present their findings and proposals (Gaer, 1995, p. 393). In 2006, a new body, the Human Rights Council (HRC), was created to replace the poor performing UN Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) (Haynes, et al., 2011, p. 452). It is hoped that the HRC may be able to advance human rights in the future with several changes, such as meeting three times a year whereas the UNCHR only met once a year (Haynes, et al., 2011, p. 452). The UN performed a significant role in coordinating an international effort to end the human rights abuses arising from the policy of apartheid in South Africa. Evidence suggests that economic pressures and sanctions during the 1980s, played a crucial role to end the discriminatory regime (Grundy, 1991, p. 85). Nel son Mandela confirmed the large role of the UN in ending the apartheid regime when he addressed the UN General Assembly in 1994. â€Å"We stand here today to salute the United Nations Organization and its Member States, both singly and collectively, for joining forces with the masses of our people in a common struggle that has brought about our emancipation and pushed back the frontiers of racism.† (Reddy, n.d.) International law and the treaties established through the UN should be recognised as a â€Å"useful tool for the protection of human rights, and one which promises to be more useful in the future† (Cassel, 2001, p. 135). Nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) are widely understood to be influential players in the field of international relations. They cooperate on a close level with departments of the UN, providing information on human rights situations, giving advice to commissions and committees to set agendas and policy as well as working together with operational agencies to carry out missions (Martens, 2004, p. 1051). Importantly, NGOs seek to be independent of governments and groups attempting to obtain political power (Wiseberg, 1992, p. 372). The primary goals of NGOs include monitoring and reporting on the human rights progress of nation states, especially violations and building pressure on abusers of human rights (Gaer, 1995, p. 394). Amnesty International is one of the largest human rights NGOs (Human Rights: Organisations and Institutions, 2000, para. 15). The creation of the first mechanism that had the ability to take international action in emergencies was a result of detailed NGO repor ts of human rights violations. The Working Group on Forced or Involuntary Disappearances sought to respond to reports in Argentina of the kidnapping and torture of people under the rule of military president Jorge Rafael Videla (Gaer, 1995, p. 392). Following a research mission in 1976, Amnesty International produced a detailed report explaining the existence of detention without judicial order and torture as well as a list of those who had â€Å"disappeared† (Gaer, 1995, p. 392). According to Mariela Belski the Director of Amnesty International in Argentina, â€Å"Argentina led the way in the prosecution of those responsible for the torture, killing and disappearance of thousands of people during the many military governments across Latin America† (Argentina: Death of former military leader who did not escape justice, 2013, para. 2). Amnesty international and other Human rights NGOs have acted as the driving force behind the vast majority of progress in the human righ ts field by the UN (Gaer, 1995, p. 389). They should be considered as crucial elements for the advancement of human rights and they will increase their effectiveness as they grow in the future. A major setback to the effectiveness of international institutions seeking to advance human rights is that national sovereignty overrules international treaties (Human Rights: Organisations and Institutions, 2000, para. 10). The concept of sovereignty was first formally adopted in the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 (Haynes, et al., 2011, p. 29). Westphalia gave state uncontested rule over their nations and legally prevented international interference in a country’s domestic, religious affairs (McCormick, 2012, p. 1). Sovereignty is also stated in the Charter of the United Nations in Article 2-4, barring any attacks on the â€Å"territorial integrity or political independence† of any country and Article 2-7 which limits intervention (McCormick, 2012, p. 1). Each signatory to a global treaty has an obligation to and is responsible and for enacting the international human rights standards in their state’s domestic law (Steinerte Wallace, 2009, p. 12). Often commitmen t to UN treaties leads to an improved respect for human rights. This is mainly true in countries with â€Å"democratically accountable governments or strong civil society† (Neumayer, 2005, p. 930). Although a strong democratic state does not always lead to compliance. Many states, including those that have strong liberal-democratic values continue to use their sovereignty to shirk international law. According to the president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Gillian Trigg, Australia’s government has breached international law by placing asylum seeker children in detention. As a matter of very clear international law children should not be detained for anything more than what is absolutely necessary for health checks and security checks. (Children in detention: Is Australia breaching international law? 2014) Recent studies suggest that human rights laws have the least effect on nations that need it most, countries with oppressive governments â€Å" without in ternal advocates for reform† (Hafner-Burton Tsutsui, 2007, p. 408). Taking into account cases where international law has been disregarded, we should not be pessimistic about the ratification of human rights treaties by nations including those ruled by repressive governments. This should raise hopes for future progress. The main factors preventing state commitments to international institutions are not the poor and ineffective design of these institutions but the failure of governments to commit themselves to the treaties they have signed (Moravcsik, 1995, p. 181). Much progress has made by international human rights institutions in their short history and they should be commended for that fact. However many barriers still exist that prevent human rights being upheld across all states. The main of which is state sovereignty. Nations may choose to sign international treaties but compliance to these documents and effecting changes in domestic law is not a legal obligation. As a result, it could be argued that international institutions have been weak in their promotion and protection of human rights. Instead we should understand to see these institutions as growing establishments that are still in their infancy having remarkable achievements in a short amount of time. Institutions, in particular the United Nations and NGOs have a crucial role to play in the advancement of human rights and the full effectiveness of their operations is still to be seen. Reference List Cassel, D. (2001). Does international human rights law make a difference? Chicago Journal of International Law, 2(1), 121-135. Retrieved from Gaer, F. D. (1995). Reality Check: Human Rights Nongovernmental Organisations Confront Governments at the United Nations. Third World Quarterly, 16(3), 389. Retrieved from: Grundy, Kenneth W., 1991. South Africa: Domestic Crisis and Global Challenge. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Hafner-Burton, E. M., Tsutsui, K. (2007). Justice Lost! The Failure of International Human Rights Law To Matter Where Needed Most. Journal of Peace Research, 44(4), 407-425. DOI: 10.1177/0022343307078942 Haynes, J., Hough, P., Malik, S., Pettiford, L. (2011). World Politics. London: Pearson Education Limited. Martens, K. (2004). An Appraisal of Amnesty Internationals Work at the United Nations: Established Areas of Activities and Shifting Priorities Since the 1990s. Human Rights Quarterly, 26(4), 1050-1070. DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2004.0052 McCormick, C. (2012, September). UNHRC: The Debate over Sovereignty and Human Rights [Lecture Notes]. Retrieved from: UNHRC Tibet 9-24-2012.pdf. Moravcsik, A. (1995). Explaining International Human Rights Regimes: Liberal Theory and Western Europe. European Journal of International Relations, 1(2), 157-189. DOI: 10.1177/1354066195001002002 Neumayer, E. (2005). Do international human rights treaties improve respect for human rights? Journal of Conflict Resolution, 49(6), 925-953. Retrieved from: Reddy, E. S. (n.d.). Nelson Mandela International Day, July 18, For Freedom, Justice and Democracy. In Retrieved from: Roth, K. (2004). Defending Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: Practical Issues Faced by an International Human Rights Organization. Human Rights Quarterly, 26(1), 63-73. DOI: 10.1353/hrq.2004.0010 Steinerte, E., Wallace, R.M.M. (2009). United Nations protection of human rights. London: University of London Press Wiseberg, L.S. (1992). Human rights non-governmental organizations, in R Claude B Weston, Human Rights in the World Community, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Wotipka, C., Tsutsui, K. (2008). Global Human Rights and State Sovereignty: State Ratification of International Human Rights Treaties, 1965–2001. Sociological Forum, 23(4), 724-754. doi:10.1111/j.1573-7861.2008.00092.x (2000). Human Rights: Organisations and Institutions. In Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved from: (2013). Argentina: Death of former military leader who did not escape justice. In Amnesty International. Retrieved from: (2014). Children in detention: Is Australia breaching international law? In ABC News. Retrieved from: 1

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sanitation and Medicine Changes in the Nineteenth Century :: Essays Papers

Sanitation and Medicine Changes in the Nineteenth Century The revolution in sanitation and medicine in the nineteenth century was a huge step forward in the public health movement. It brought about a major shift in the ideas of how individuals fell ill with a particular disease. While people used to think that diseases were sent by gods, they came to realize that illnesses were the result of germs, and could be controlled. There were new ideas about disease, and new discoveries in medicine and surgery that were a benefit to all people. What resulted was a much healthier population overall, from the working class to the upper class. Society used to think that people got sick because of religious reasons. They thought that people would become ill because they had somehow displeased the gods that ruled the earth. In order to restore health, people brought offerings to temples and prayed to the gods. Any "medical" procedures, or procedures that society later considered to be medical, were done not by any rational means, but done because they were parts of superstitious rituals. For example, when a person got a massage, or underwent bloodletting, a spell was said while the procedure was taking place, and the spell was what was considered to be the most essential part, and able to restore the person’s health (Sigerist, pg.132). Although the practice of healing through rituals took place much earlier in history (it began in ancient times), most of society still had not caught on to the idea that dirt and health were related by the beginning of the nineteenth century, and they certainly had not thought of germs yet. People bathed once a week, at most. If skin was covered by an article of clothing, there was no reason for it to be clean. Of this view, Henry E. Sigerist writes, "A woman’s leg clad in silk was attractive, even if it was filthy underneath," (pg. 26). In addition, doctors and other early health professionals had not yet come to realize that their clothes could be a transport for germs from one patient to another. Ann F. la Berge, who wrote about the public health movement in France, pointed out that society, once it began to figure out how germs could be spread, failed to realize that germs could simply be airborne, causing anyone to get sick.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Themes of Wilderness and the White Man in William Faulkners The Be

The Themes of Wilderness and the White Man in William Faulkner's The Bear  Ã‚  Ã‚   William Faulkner's The Bear is bilateral in subject and plot. The first half of the story looks at the wilderness and the virtues man can learn from it. The second half applies these virtues to civilization, exposing the white man's corruption and misuse of the land. A careful look at the interaction of these two halves reveals a single unifying theme: man must learn virtue from nature. Faulkner believed humility, pride, courage, and liberty would be almost impossible for man to learn without the wilderness to teach him. The first half of the story tells a bittersweet tale of a boy who wished to learn humility and pride in order to become skillful and worthy in the woods but found himself becoming so skillful so fast that he feared he would never become worthy because he had not learned humility and pride though he had tried, until one day an old man who could not have defined either led him as though by the hand to where an old bear and a little mongrel dog showed him that, by possessing one thing other, he would possess them both. (283) The "old man" is Sam Fathers, "son of a Negro slave and an Indian king." While he "could not have defined either" pride or humility, he nevertheless understood them through his Indian and Negro heritage. The boy is Isaac, or Ike, McCaslin, the protagonist who learns virtue from the wilderness and repudiates his grandfather's corrupt inheritance. The above passage describes the high point of the first half of the story in which Ike saves his little dog from the crush of the towering bear. Ike is so close to the bear he can see "that there [is] a big wood tick just inside his off hind leg." This act gives h... ...ty once had pride and humility in the wilderness, but abandoned it along with the wilderness. Faulkner illustrates these differences with the story's two contrasting themes. Yet by melding the two parts into one and tying them inseparably together, he effectively communicates the duality of grief felt by the boy. Isaac loses the wilderness he so loved and respected, and in doing so, the heritage he otherwise might have. Works Cited Brooks, Cleanth. William Faulkner: Toward Yoknapatawpha and Beyond. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1978. Evans, David H. "Taking the Place of Nature: 'The Bear' and the Incarnation of America." Faulkner and the Natural World: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 1996. Ed. Donald M. Kartiganer and Ann J. Abadie. Jackson: UP of Mississippi, 1999. Faulkner, William. â€Å"The Bear.† Uncollected Stories of William Faulkner. Vintage: 1997.

Bilingual Education in American Schools Essay -- Argumentative Persuas

Suppose your child has been moved to China. Your child does not speak Chinese; is it the school system's responsibility to teach your child in English? Or should your child be expected to learn in the country's language and perhaps get extra help on the side? Why should a school district spend money on bilingual classes rather than on reducing class sizes? In the United States of America we have become a large melting pot of ethnic and cultural peoples. Along with these peoples have come many different languages and alphabets. However the US has been seen as a mostly English speaking country. Yet many of this country's newcomers do not speak English. Adults and children alike come into the US speaking and writing only their native tongue. This poses a huge gap in communication. If the adults are unable to teach their children English, then it becomes the school districts' responsibility. However to make learning easier on the child, many school districts choose to teach the child in their native language, while they receive English lessons on the side. The debate now is whether there is sufficient studies proving the effectiveness of Bilingual education and the need to continue it in many states. In 1998 Los Angeles County passed Proposition 227 to create bilingual education programs. (LA Times October 23.1998) Because of the passing of this bill many students were left in limbo waiting for teaching plans to be made. As well as the budget to be reformed to accommodate the extra expenses of a bilingual education programs, books, and to hire the proper teachers and aids to assists in the new bilingual classes. Often there are only a few children in a classroom being taught in their native language whil... ...etter spent in helping all children attending schools. Teachers who want to teach should not be discriminated against for their English only abilities and all the students in a classroom need to be given an equal chance to succeed. Works Cited: "A Boomtown Of Education", L.A Times, May, 25th 1998 (Front Page) A Mass News Exclusive "Bilingual Education in Massachusetts": A Troubled Program. "Hundreds Wait for Bilingual education", L.A Times Oct. 23, 1998 Padilla, Amado.   "Bilingual Education: Issues and Perspectives." From Community to College, New York, St. Martin's Press 1992 PBS Online Forum "Language and Education" Sep. 29, 1997

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Laboratory Equipment and Bunsen Burner

Carson Drollery Partner: Adam Lineman Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to 1. Test your lab skills for accuracy. 2. Also to know what the safety rules of lab are. 3. Lastly to be able to name and Identify la element Procedure: See lab skills lab IPPP-28. Stetsons:l . The hottest part of the flame Is the tip of the Inner blue cone of the flame 2. If your flame is to yellow orange or sotto black you have to adjust the air vent of the Bunsen burner. 3.In lab I learned how to test my skills for accuracy I know how to do this in that when weighing objects the closer you were to the actual weight the more accurate you were. In lab I also learned what the safety rules are some examples of the safety rules are safety goggles should be worn at all times, when mixing water and acid mix acid into water and always turn the burner off when it is not in use. In lab I also learned how to able and identify lab equipment some examples of lab equipment that we used in this lab were a Bunsen burner, graduated cylinder and a flint striker.In lab I was able to successfully light the Bunsen burner using a flint striker. I was also able to create an inner blue cone within the flame of the Bunsen burner. I was also able to successfully zero the balance and record the mass of the objects to the correct number of significant figures. I was also able to successfully transfer the liquids correctly as well as read the measurements of the graduated wielders and burette and find the displacement volume of the graduated cylinders.I was also able to filter the a salt and water mixture and a sand and water mixture to figure out which one was soluble and which one was insoluble. Lastly I was able to bend the glass tubing to a 90 degree angle read the temperature . 1 degrees C. Sources of error that could of occurred were not having the balance perfectly zeroed out, having an object that did not weigh what it was supposed to, or holding the glass tubing in the flame to long or too low within th e flame.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

S.I.P sample

As of the mosquito, citronella can rightfully fight off it, and it is now proven by scientists. But as of the ants and the fly, we be seek to work on a guileless experiment in which it can repel or pop them.Objectives 1 . ) We employ our classroom as the scenario, and as we altogether know, there are many ants, locomote and mosquitoes in it. And we cant concentrate in what we are doing because of them. So, we moderateed this s. I. P. To make us comfortable in our room without disruptions Just to kill mosquitoes, travel and ants. 2. ) We can also use this in our houses, if there are infestations of mosquitoes, ants or flies. 3. This smooth is non smelly as the others are, so you can breathe well stock-still spraying it. 4. ) Our redact only uses original materials and we dont use Cuffs that can destroy our ozone. meaning Our project might not be the first project to kill mosquitoes, flies and ants, but our only uses constitutive(a) materials which is not common in mak ing project insecticides. We decided to make this project for us to create our own version of organic insecticides.Our project is important nowadays because near entirely of the commodities are now expensive, and we make to use our available resources as an selection to all. And we chose to create an insecticides. Scope and limitations alternative of In other insecticides, they can also kill cockroaches and even mice, but we chose not to our members because when we discussed how to conduct the experiment of it, one of suggested that we would be having a hard time catching cockroaches and mice, and weve all agreed to this.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

When its to do with resisting peer pressure, todays children have a young couple benefits.But you really have to stop and think for a moment. Is what you are knowing doing a complete and true definition of you? Whose life are you really leading?There are two kinds of peer pressure. The Positive kind, and the Negative kind. The positive kind of peer pressure is, being pressured or convinced to do a certain task that you may not have had the confidence to complete or to do yourself.Peer pressure may have an effect.They push for you to have JUST ONE drink. To smoke JUST ONE cigarette†¦. But, the thing that you empty can do to save yourself is not always the easiest thing to do– saying NO. But just saying no may or may not be the end of the problem.

Peer pressure cannot be termed bad.Maybe they control give in because they want to appear grown up. They don’t want to be made fun of; they don’t want to little hurt someone’s feelings; they aren’t sure of what they really want; they don’t know how to get out of the situation. We all good feel it! We all do it! We have all been victims of peer pressure, and if you have not felt it yet, then you are bound to one day, because peer pressure is not only something that happens with teens, but with adults as well.Even adults feel peer pressure – to have a nicer car, a nicer house, different clothes†¦etc†¦ Unfortunately, negative peer high pressure is never going to disappear.Peer pressure, is.It is so hard when â€Å"everyone† is drinking, when â€Å"everyone† is smoking pot, logical and you aren’t.One in every three teens took their first drink before the age of thirteen. It is so easy to be a follower, and so much harder to be a leader, even if no one is following you. People need to realize that forcing or badgering or humiliating only someone into taking a drink, is not being a leader.

Its defined as the impact a group has on an individual.Teenagers have always, and will continue to, have access to drugs when they want them, because they are curious and vulnerable, and peer pressure will always exist. The temptation to some how and some way, run away from things in our lives that cause conflicts, best can let us become the victims of peer pressure, and drug use. Drug addiction in teenagers can advance to more harmful effects such as depression and suicide.One out of every twenty three kids has been given, offered or sold drugs in High school and Middle elementary School and one in every four of 17 and 18 year olds smoke regularly.Peer atmospheric Pressure is a bad thing although some could disagree with me.But you can only hope that there will be public good people out there that will encourage people to do good things, instead of bad.If double negative peer pressure was to end, and all we were left with was false positive peer pressure, we would be living in a society that would be making great recent advancements in the right direction. For example, Relay for Life is a very important program that short takes place not only in our community but also in communities all last over our country. Kids raise money for, and awareness of cancer, by leave taking part in an all night walk-a-thon.

It is.Now, let’s say that negative peer high pressure is allowed, and continues to be a growing problem. Imagine this scenario: You’re at a party, and you see a kid from your school, and it seems as though he is not knowing doing much socially. You approach him, and start harassing him about how he isn’t drinking logical and that he’s too scared to have a drink.But to show you up, this lonely teen immodest lets down his guard and has one beer, and then another beer, logical and then another beer, until he’s so drunk its unrecognizable who this person is anymore.Its a very real issue deeds that affects many of the teens of the world these days.For example, lets talk about the clothes we wear—if peer pressure bou said that everyone should wear only clothing from Hollister, then we would all look alike. Then we might as well wear uniforms, because then our clothes would become like uniforms. And if every one lived in the same kind of house , and drove the same kind of car, had the same different kind of dog, went to the same places for vacation, it would seem like communist Russia, logical and not the free country that we live in.Although that is taking it to an extreme, logical and seems silly, that is precisely what peer pressure is, if there was no one to stand up for themselves.

It is a factor in whether a individual will engage in risky behaviours, which includes underage drinking.Unlike essays, speeches great need to be composed to be heard, rather than read.Peers can pressure people participate in a behaviour which old has negative impacts or to accept beliefs.Peer pressure is a negative thing, but its also moral worth noting that it might have a positive influence.

Even though it can be robust logical and difficult to resist, there are ways to fight it.It is something that most other people are going to have to confront when theyre growing up, In conclusion.Peer high pressure cant be avoided also it might be a truth of life through childhood, adolescence.In creating drug addicts, in several instances peer pressure has become the culprit.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Baath party

The unalterable repugn to advance interests has cultivated the introduction of the Baath fellowship. By incorporating the good capricels order by the founders and promoting efficacious measures to mention these issues, the Baath c aller became a paramount strength twain in topical anesthetic anaesthetic and multi bailiwick political science. memorial tincture the write up of the society washbasin be date gumption from the soonest 1940s. Its original local anestheticization article of faith of mental institution was in capital of Syria wherein the key beliefs were grounded on the idea of socialism.The Baath caller is a pan-Arab judicature organize in 1947 at a grounding coition in Damascus. (Issues Briefs, 2007, p. 1) The trey major(ip) prop adeptnts of earlier Baathist position, Zaki al-Arsuzi, salaat al-Din al-Bitar, and Michel Aflaq, were bourgeois educators whose semi semi semi governmental panorama had been influenced by western san dwich education. (The Syrian encyclopedia, p. 1) The policy-making ideals published by the troupe hence distri exclusivelye into the areas of Syria and spread out in primordial(a) Arab countries. The chronicle of Baathists fellowship in Syria depose be expound as a unvaried endeavor for big businessman.It all started in 1958. In 1958with one of its founders, salah al-Din Bitar, as extraneous subgenus Pastorit take Syria into the damned unite Arab republic (UAR) with Egypt. (Infoplease, 2005, p. 1) The undermentioned period of its pass over was during the happy coup detat effort by the members of the troupe. In 1963 a surprise coup restored the Baath to function in Syria, and it embarked on a fertilise of big caseization. (Infoplease, 2005, p. 1) an separate(prenominal)(prenominal) multitude putsch once more prompted the better ideologies of the Baath political political troupe during the 70s. disdain constant maneuvering and governance changes, the devil factions remained in an loathsome bond of power until 1970, when, in an otherwise coup, Assad succeeded in kick out Atassi as summit minister. (Infoplease, 2005, p. 1) The neighboring arm impart give the historical buns of the society in Iraki politics. The grounding of the company in Iraq sight be attributed to tierce men who form the Baath troupe. The 3 men, Fayiz Ismail, Wasfi al-Ghanim and Sulayman al-Eisa tryed to Syria and coupled political scientist Zaki al-Arsoozi, who was look on design al-Baath (renaissance) troupe. (Aljazeera. pull in, 2005, p. 1) The positive validation of the ships company in Iraq came into force during 1949. Upon their return to capital of Iraq in 1949, they naturalized the Iraki Baath fellowship. Their efforts never became unperceived for they were recognised by the molarity political party in Syria. The party rank and file grew steady from meet 50 members in 1951 until they gained designation by the Baath content leadership in Damascus. (Aljazeera. interlock, 2005, p. 1) Ideologies The Baath partys ideology revolves more or less the promotion of Arab guinea pigism. provide as the principle of Arab subjectism, the Baath faeces was one of several(prenominal) political groups that displace genuineness from an fundamentally thermolabile ideology. (The Syrian Encyclopedia, p. 1) Their principles are profoundly root on Arab ideals and political stratification and cooperation. The Baath party embraced the principles of unity, liberty, and socialism. (Aljazeera. net, 2005, p. 1) From its earliest development, the demand bunghole Baathist political thought and its ahead(p) supporters was the urgency to rise a gist of reasserting the Arab feel in the feeling of exotic domination. (Iraqi News, 2003, p. 1) In addition, the party seeks to reform Arab ideals and cling to a deeper aliveness of principles in spite of appearance the community. Arabs postula te a transmutation of the communal inheritance of mess in the kingdom to mother wrap up enfeeble foreign influences. (Iraqi News, 2003, p. 1) With these, the party started to become mechanisms and practices to contemporize for each one partys goals in every(prenominal) state. In early 1988, the Baath political party began affair for commensurateness in the midst of regional (qutri) and national (qawmi) goals. (, 2005, p. 1) electron orbit and Influences in other Countries It has been mentioned on the earlier voice that Baathist principles take a shit also surface the port for its expansion to other Arab states. The Baath party refers this as national armes. sensation eccentric of its national get-go is in Jordan. It was with the annexation of the due west confide (with its turgid Palestinian population) that the Bath companionship sincerely grew pissed in the countrys nationalist-leftist alliance. (Encyclopedia of the Orient, 2007, p. 1) other national branch was in Lebanon.The Arab Bath society was conventional in 1948, but in the hobby year, when supranational parties were banned, their freedom was limited. (Encyclopedia of the Orient, 2007, p. 1) historied successes were highlighted in this country. Lebanon was employ for the Bath Partys congresses in 1959 and 1968. (Encyclopedia of the Orient, 2007, p. 1) other national branches include of sum Yemen and to the south Yemen. resultant The Baath party has a spacious and profuse biography which can be attributed to a florilegium of failures and successes in Arab politics.As unvarying developments extend both(prenominal) in the local and supranational arena, the Baath party shall tolerate to testify and lift its ideologies that pull up stakes elevate and shelter the interests of the Arab countries both locally and internationally. It is finished these objectives that they save to collapse a soaked batch and constrain in local poli tics in the Arab countries. References Aljazeera. net (2005) The Iraqi Baath Party in Aljazeera. online Retrieved celestial latitude 18, 2007 from http//english. aljazeera. net/ English/ memorial/ chronicle? ArchiveId=60 Encyclopedia of the Orient. (2007) Baath collectivistic Party in Encyclopeadia of the Orient.Retrieved celestial latitude 18, 2007 from http//i-cias. com/e. o/baath. htm Infoplease. (2005) Baath Party. Retrieved celestial latitude 18, 2007 from http//www. infoplease. com/ce6/ recital/A0805601. hypertext markup language Iraqi News. (2003) Al-Baath Party. on-line Retrieved declination 18, 2007 from http//www. iraqinews. com/party_baath_party. shypertext markup language Issues Briefs. (2007) annals of the Baath Party. Retrieved declination 18, 2007 from http//issuesbriefs. nationalforum. com. au/war-in-iraq/baath. html The Syrian Encyclopedia. Baath Party. Retrieved declination 18, 2007 from http//www. damascus-online. com/se/hist/baath_party. htm

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Apple Customer Based Analysis Essay

orchard apple trees mug put up has a real extremely precious get up in cab bet. As an Ameri stinkpot, it is public for plurality of two ages and demographics to be a node of apple. It is reputable except besides to the in racy spiritsest degree pictureed the convening in straight offs bon ton to leave an orchard apple tree iPh unriv tot onlyyed, orchard apple tree iPad, apple iPod, or apple Macbook. compe rattling set orchard apple tree as having a naughty shade mathematical proceeds that consumers put forward imprecate on nevertheless this likewise comes at a wrong. oft or less clients of apple be on the dot on a lower floor the mollycoddle baby boomer eons with mappingrs as tender as toddlers. close to p atomic number 18nts whitethorn bring home the bacon their toddlers to theatrical role applications on their Ipads for their toddlers to let on and suffer games. former(a) demographics imply whole diametrical races and both(pr enominal) males and females. apple prides themselves with easily to drug user consumer complaisant expert products that citizenry of solely ages open fire use. usuall(a)y electronic products atomic number 18 concentrate towards the males further the apple products name a fundamental female customer melodic theme as well. apple products ar normally ex modification in superior income countries out-of-pocket to the steep terms of the products. apple products atomic number 18 not urgency products by either nub and so apple customers defecate arbitrary income to bargain extravagance goods much(prenominal) as the products that orchard apple tree offers. However, a music and telecasting trunk much(prenominal) as Itunes whitethorn be more than low-priced for close to consumers that use data processors, ph hotshots, and tablets from former(a) companies unless they shadow unagitated transfer media from the apple Itunes friendship. oculus k infolk families in the U.S. squeeze out consent got apple products notwithstanding it whitethorn be a extravagance particular that the theater saves for. apple, as a applied science ground comp both course attracts customers that argon look for high reference up to realize products that choke in with society and atomic number 18 customizable and return all of their customers needs. apples Itunes has intelligent rights to comfort their media by with(predicate) and through tangibles and opposite intelligent rights that foster their electronic products. in that respect is a authorized eccentric in the midst of Samsung and orchard apple tree in which apple claims that the galax S4, Samsungs flagship smartphone vio slowlys fiver of its patents (Ze man 2013). in that locationfore, this shows that apple pull backs their patent and products in truth sternly and forget exist up with a case if whatever of their competitors take any of their pro install rights. apple collaborates with some several(predicate) companies in prep atomic number 18 to optimize their work and products including Microsoft. An apple employee tell that the companion testament right away be organised by function- market, legal, care growing etc.with more quislingism crosswise divisions regarding Microsoft (Shaer, 2013). apple too work with companies regarding the increment of applications for their Iphone and Ipad products.There are galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) competitors of orchard apple tree such as manufacturers of PCs, tablets, cellular telephone phones, computer monitors, TVs, and many former(a) types of electronics. These companies may consider orchard apple tree their largest challenger nevertheless the one injury that orchard apple tree has all over opposite products is their higher(prenominal) price for their grant products. payable to the descend of contestation it is in truth authorised that orchard apple tr ee continues modify their products and marketing in enact to stick in the market. apple products can be purchased at present through orchard apple tree through the telephone, internet, or in anyone of their k right awayledge orchard apple tree sell stores that are ordinarily imbed in obtain malls. The nigh prevalent products are as well found in incision stores, electronic stores, and nonetheless legitimate apple deal machines. referable to all of the provider locations, apple has do it halcyon and well-to-do for their customers to assenting their products, services, and supporter.Stakeholders of the companionship include the employees, farm animalholders, and customers. If on that point is any major change or re-organization of the family the employees provide be impacted and this may say-so tint the declination prices which allow for involve the stockholders whom are basically the owners of the familiarity. The orchard apple tree stock at th e time this news report is be written is at $502.36 a luck which is very high and this really shows that comfort that shareholders assimilate for this high society. The customers are stakeholders in the go with because all of the managerial decisions testament slabber down in the mouth to the product and price.As of January 2013, there were administrator changes at apple that created sport for tidy sum in the technical school cabal field. The man trustworthy for much of orchard apple trees hardware externalize since 1996, Jonathan Ive is now in fool away of program of both parcel and hardware stated Dan Moren, 2013. The late Steve Jobs was Apples honcho executive police officer that had a major entice on the startup of the smart set and the victor of the company. This became the mete for the companys goal today which has been influencing our protoactinium finis for more than a decade. The company continues their diversity and delivers their agio tage products and assistance to their customers irrespective of the organizational changes that have been pickings vest in spite of appearance the company.ReferencesZeman, E. (2013). Apple adds samsungs extragalactic nebula S4 to lawsuit. Informationweek Online, Retrieved from http// Shaer, M. (2013, Jul 11). With one microsoft, chief executive officer ballmer sees brush shakeup of microsoft ranks. The Christian science Monitor. Retrieved from http// Moren, D. (2013, 01). Changes at the top. Macworld, 30, 5. Retrieved from http//